Oriental Rug Cleaning Asheville NC

oriental rug cleaning, asheville nc

If there’s one thing every oriental rug owner should know, it’s the number of a good, professional rug cleaner. Buying an oriental rug can be a serious investment, and keeping it beautifully maintained is a lifelong commitment. So don’t just choose the first company in the phone book or the first result that comes up on the search engine. Get to know the people who are going to clean your oriental rug, and make sure you can trust their cleaning process.

If you’re looking for a good, trustworthy oriental rug cleaning service in or near Asheville NC, we encourage you to do your research on all the companies vying for your business. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve made a short video to explain how we clean fine rugs. Check it out!

And here are a few facts about our fine rug cleaning technique:

  • We use the gentlest, most effective process available for cleaning oriental rugs and other fine rugs.
  • We don’t use bleach or bleach-based cleaners.
  • Our prices are affordable.
  • We can eliminate stains caused by ground in dirt, food spills, mold and mildew, and even pet stains.
  • We don’t use enzyme-based cleaners.
  • There are no harsh chemicals in our cleansers.
  • We don’t wash your rug in a tub with other rugs.
  • Our cleaning solutions will not cause the colors on your rug to fade or bleed.
  • Our cleaning process is completely safe for wool fibers.
  • We offer to pick up and delivery service.
  • Our products and process are entirely non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
  • Our team is professional and reliable. You can trust us to take good care of your fine rugs.

Check our website for current pricing.

We look forward to being your trusted source for green oriental rug cleaning. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 828.772.1824 or send us a message via our contact form (link).