How Does Carpet Cleaning Impact the Environment?

carpet cleaning and the environment

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of maintaining a clean and healthy living environment. However, it’s also crucial to consider the environmental impact of the cleaning methods and products used. By adopting more sustainable practices, we can ensure that our carpet cleaning routines are not only effective but also eco-friendly. Let’s explore the impact of carpet cleaning on the environment and how we can make more sustainable choices.

Chemical Usage

Traditional carpet cleaning methods often involve the use of chemical-based cleaning products. These chemicals can contribute to water and soil pollution when they are rinsed off during the cleaning process. To minimize the environmental impact, consider opting for eco-friendly and biodegradable cleaning solutions. Look for carpet cleaning services that use non-toxic, plant-based products. These are safer both for the environment and for the health of your family and pets.


Water Consumption

Carpet cleaning methods such as steam cleaning or hot water extraction can consume significant amounts of water. This can strain local water resources and increase energy consumption for heating the water. To reduce water usage, choose carpet cleaning services that employ low-moisture techniques. These methods use less water and require less drying time, thereby conserving water and reducing energy consumption.


Energy Efficiency

Some carpet cleaning equipment, such as steam cleaners, can consume substantial amounts of energy during operation. To prioritize sustainability, select carpet cleaning services that use energy-efficient equipment and cleaning methods. Look for companies that utilize equipment with eco-friendly certifications or adhere to energy-saving practices, helping to minimize their carbon footprint.


Waste Management

Carpet cleaning can generate waste, including used cleaning solution containers, packaging materials, and debris extracted from carpets. Responsible waste management is crucial for sustainable carpet cleaning. Seek carpet cleaning services that have recycling programs in place or use eco-friendly packaging materials. Additionally, inquire about their waste disposal practices to ensure they follow environmentally conscious methods.


Carpet cleaning can have a significant impact on the environment, but by making sustainable choices, we can reduce our ecological footprint. Opting for eco-friendly cleaning solutions, conserving water, prioritizing energy efficiency, and managing waste responsibly can all contribute to a more sustainable approach to carpet cleaning. By combining effective cleaning practices with environmental responsibility, we can maintain clean and healthy carpets while promoting a greener future.

Five Step Carpet Care believes the environment should come first. That is why our system uses less water and our cleaning solutions are environmentally safe and 100% biodegradable. We care about the health of our clients and the world we live in, so by using environmentally friendly and sustainable products, we are doing our part to preserve our planet for generations to come.



Carpet Cleaning for Pet Owners: Tips and Tricks

carpet cleaning for pet owners

We pet owners know that furry friends bring boundless joy and companionship into our lives. But no good thing comes without a little tarnish, and the truth is that pets can leave behind their fair share of messes, particularly on our carpets. From pet hair to stains and odors, it’s essential to have effective carpet cleaning strategies in place. In this blog post, we’ll share some valuable tips and tricks to keep your carpets clean and fresh while living with pets.


  1. Regular Vacuuming. Pet hair can quickly accumulate on carpets, leading to a less-than-clean appearance. Regular vacuuming is crucial to stay on top of pet hair removal. Use a vacuum cleaner with a pet hair attachment or a specialized pet hair vacuum to effectively pick up loose fur. Vacuum high-traffic areas and your pets’ favorite spots more frequently.
  2. Address stains immediately. Accidents happen, and when they do, it’s essential to act quickly to prevent stains from setting in. Blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much liquid as possible. Then, treat the stain with a pet-friendly carpet stain remover. Test all new cleaners on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn’t damage your carpet.
  3. Professional deep cleaning. Regular professional carpet cleaning is crucial for pet owners. Professional cleaners have the expertise and specialized equipment to deep clean your carpets, removing embedded dirt, odors, and allergens. Schedule professional deep cleanings at least once or twice a year, or more frequently if you have multiple pets or allergies.
  4. Protect high-traffic areas. Place rugs or runners in high traffic areas and where your pets spend the most time. This can protect your carpets from excessive wear and tear. Choose washable rugs that are easy to clean and maintain.
  5. Groom your pets. Regular grooming can significantly reduce the amount of fur that ends up in your carpets. Brush your pets regularly to remove loose hair and prevent excessive shedding, and bathe them to cut down on outside dirt, dander, and odor. These protective measures can help minimize the amount of cleaning required.



Top Myths About Professional Carpet Cleaning

commercial carpet cleaning

Carpet cleaning is an essential part of maintaining a clean and healthy home, but there are many myths about professional carpet cleaning that can cause confusion for homeowners. Here are some of the top myths about professional carpet cleaning and the truth behind them.

Myth #1: Professional carpet cleaning is expensive.

While it’s true that professional carpet cleaning can be more expensive than DIY methods, it’s important to consider the long-term benefits. DIY methods can be effective, but they also take a lot more of your time and energy, and there’s always a chance that you’ll get defective equipment or make an error. Professional cleaning, on the other hand, can extend the life of your carpet and improve the overall air quality of your home, saving you money in the long run and keeping your family and pets in good health.

Myth #2: Professional cleaning might damage my carpet.

When done correctly, professional carpet cleaning will not damage your carpet. In fact, many carpet manufacturers recommend professional cleaning to maintain the warranty. Professional cleaners use specialized equipment and cleaning solutions that are safe for your carpet and won’t leave any residue behind. Furthermore, professional carpet cleaners carry insurance and bonding so that in the extremely unlikely case that any damage occurs as a result of the cleaning, the item will be fixed or replaced at no cost to you.

Myth #3: Professional carpet cleaning takes too long.

On the contrary, professional carpet cleaning is quick and efficient. Depending on the size of your home and the condition of your carpet, most professional carpet cleaners can complete the job in a few hours or less, allowing you to get back to your daily routine.

Myth #4: Professional carpet cleaning is only necessary if there is a visible stain or odor.

While it’s true that stains and odors are indicators that your carpet needs cleaning, there are many other reasons to have your carpets professionally cleaned. Over time, carpets can accumulate dirt, dust, and other allergens that can negatively impact your home’s air quality. Professional cleaning can remove these contaminants and improve the overall health of your home.

Myth #5: DIY methods work just as well.

While DIY carpet cleaning methods can be effective for minor stains and spills, they will likely never be as thorough as a professional cleaning. Professional cleaners have access to specialized equipment and cleaning solutions that can penetrate deep into the fibers of your carpet, removing dirt, allergens, and even bacteria and viruses that DIY methods may not reach.

Professional carpet cleaning is a valuable investment in the health, longevity, and enjoyment of your home. By understanding and debunking these common myths, you can make an informed decision about the best way to maintain your carpets and keep your home clean and healthy.

Need help with your carpets? Five Step is the top source for professional carpet cleaning in the Asheville, NC area. Give us a call at 828.237.3237 or use our contact form to get in touch today!


How to Clean Red Wine from Carpet

clean red wine from carpet

Wondering how to clean red wine from carpet?

There’s no problem with enjoying a nice glass of red wine in the evening, but sometimes imbibing can result in a dark red mishap. If you end up with a red wine stain on your carpet, don’t worry! Chances are, you can get it out with just two simple cleaning ingredients if you act quickly.

Try to attack the stain as soon as you notice it. The less time the wine has to absorb and set into the carpet fibers, the better your chances of successfully removing the stain.

Follow these steps to clean red wine from carpet:

  1. Blot stain immediately with a clean cloth.
  2. Slowly add water and continue to blot.
  3. Apply a paste of 3:1 baking soda and water to the stain, making sure to cover it completely.
  4. Allow the paste to dry, then vacuum.
  5. If the stain has not been completely removed, apply a spot cleaner, making sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. If the stain is still there, call your friendly local carpet cleaner!

If you didn’t discover your wine stain until it was too late, or if you’re having trouble with the above steps, it’s time to call in a professional!

Five Step Carpet Care is the leading professional carpet cleaner in the Asheville, NC area. We will have that red wine stain out of your carpet in no time! Give us a call at 828.237.3237 or get in touch via our contact form today!


Is it Possible to Get Hair Dye Out of Carpet?

hair dye on carpet

Maybe you cultivated the habit of providing your own hair care during the pandemic, or maybe your teen decided to dye their hair neon pink for a Halloween costume. Perhaps a little less than the advised amount of caution was taken, and now you have hair dye stains on your carpet. So now you’re asking yourself:  is it even possible to get hair dye out of carpet?

It may seem as though hair dye stains would be impossible to remove from carpet fibers, since the dye is designed to be, well, permanent. But the truth is that most types of carpet stains can be cleaned, no matter the strength of the stain-causing substance or the severity of the stain. You just have to apply a little creativity, patience, and elbow-grease. And, chances are, you already have everything you’ll need on hand.

Different hair dyes contain different chemicals and pigments, so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to getting hair dye stains out of carpet. But there are a few simple household cleaners that you can try, and at least one of them is likely to work. Check out the list below for easy and non-toxic solutions to try.


Household Cleaning Agents to Try on Hair Dye Stains:

  • White vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Clarifying shampoo
  • Rubbing (or isopropyl) alcohol
  • 3% Hydrogen peroxide



 For each of the cleaning agents listed above, try the following method.

  • Saturate the stained carpet area with the cleaning agent (for dish soap and clarifying shampoo, add a little warm water and work up some suds.)
  • Let the product sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes.
  • Dab with a clean cloth or paper towel, rinse with warm water, and dab again until the cleaning agent is removed.
  • Blot dry.

If the stain is reduced, but still present, repeat this method with the same cleaner. If the stain has not improved at all, move on to the next cleaning agent and repeat the method.

How to Prepare for a Carpet Cleaning


Our customers sometimes ask if there’s anything they need to do to get ready for their scheduled carpet cleaning. We’re pretty self-sufficient, so there’s not much we ask you to do in advance of your cleaning. But there are a couple of simple things you can do to help ensure your carpet cleaning goes as smoothly and quickly as possible. Here’s a checklist that will help you with how to prepare for a carpet cleaning. 

  1. Schedule your carpet cleaning for a day when you won’t need to use the room. Even if it’s after the cleaning crew is scheduled to leave, you’ll want to keep the room off limits for family and guests for at least a couple hours after the cleaning, so it’s best if you plan not to use the room that day.
  2. Pick up small items. Before the crew arrives, go through the room and do a quick pick-up. Move toys, magazine racks, sit-arounds, and other small items out of the room.
  3. Remove breakables. Our professional staff is very careful and cautious when it comes to the safety of your belongings. When using our equipment, we always try to remain conscious of our surroundings to prevent any mishaps. But, better safe than sorry! If you have fragile items hanging on the walls, for instance, it’s a good idea to get them out of the way before your scheduled carpet cleaning.
  4. Get cats and dogs secured in another area of the house. Our carpet cleaning solutions are non-toxic and totally safe for you and your pets, but dogs and cats can get in the way while we’re cleaning. Or they might be frightened of our equipment. So the best bet is to get your pets secured in another room while the carpet crew is at work in your home.
  5. Move heavy furniture out of the way. We will move smaller items or furniture that can be slid from one side of the room to another, but we do ask that you move all heavy items out of the room in advance of your cleaning appointment. Or, our strapping crew can move your heavy furniture for you for an extra charge.
  6. No need to vacuum. Vacuuming prior to our arrival is not necessary. We vacuum the carpet as part of our cleaning process.
  7. Prepare to be amazed! Your carpets are going to look great after we’re done. If you’re prone to knee-weakness when you’re pleasantly surprised, you might want to have a chair ready to collapse into!

And that’s everything. We’ll take care of the rest!

We hope you found this carpet cleaning checklist helpful. If you are looking for a professional carpet cleaning service in the Asheville, NC area, contact us or give us a call at 828.237.3237 today!

How to Prepare For Your Carpet Cleaning

prepare for carpet cleaning

What should you do to get ready for a professional carpet cleaning? There’s not much you need to do—we’re fairly self-sufficient. But there are a few simple preparations you can make to help ensure that your carpet cleaning goes smoothly and quickly.

We have put together an easy checklist that you can use to prepare on the day of your carpet cleaning:

  1. Schedule your carpet cleaning for a day when you won’t need to use the room. For instance, if you’re having the carpets cleaned in your guest room and you have relatives coming from out of town, schedule your cleaning for the day before they arrive. Once the carpet has been cleaned, keep family members and pets out of the room for a minimum of 3-4 hours to allow the carpet to dry.
  2. Pick up small items. Before the crew arrives, go through the room and do a quick pick-up. Move toys, shoes, magazine racks, potted plants, and other small items out of the room.
  3. Remove breakables from the room. Our professional staff is careful and cautious when it comes to the safety of your belongings. When using our equipment, we always try to remain conscious of our surroundings to prevent any mishaps. But, better safe than sorry. If you have fragile items hanging on the walls, for instance, it might be a good idea to get them out of the way before your scheduled carpet cleaning. And definitely remove any breakables from tables that will need to be moved prior to the cleaning.
  4. Get cats and dogs secured in another area of the house. Our carpet cleaning solutions are non-toxic and totally safe for you and your pets, but dogs and cats can get in the way when we’re cleaning. Or they might be frightened of our equipment. So the best bet is to get your pets secured in another room while the carpet crew is at your home.
  5. Move heavy furniture out of the way. We will move smaller items or furniture that can be slid from one side of the room to another, but please move all heavy items out of the room before our arrival. Or, if you prefer, our strapping crew can move your heavy furniture for you for an extra charge.
  6. Vacuum if you want—or don’t. Some of our clients prefer to vacuum the carpet before we arrive, but it’s not necessary. We will vacuum prior to cleaning.
  7. Prepare to be wowed! Your carpets are going to look AMAZING after we’re done. If you’re prone to weakness in the knees when you’re pleasantly surprised, you might want to have a soft chair ready to collapse in!

And that’s it! We’ll take care of the rest.

We hope you found this carpet cleaning checklist helpful. If you are looking for a sustainable, green carpet cleaning service in the Asheville, NC area, contact us or give us a call at 828.237.3237 today!