What We Are Thankful For in 2020

Almost every year on the blog, we have done a Thanksgiving post, celebrating our successes of the year and expressing our gratitude for the things (and people!) that give our lives joy and meaning here at Five Step Carpet Care.This year’s a little…different. 2020 has not been easy for any of us, and it can be difficult to find gratitude in our hearts in times like these. But they say the most important time to count our blessings is when times are a little rough. Being thankful warms our spirits and gives us hope for tomorrow.

So we’re going to give it a try. Let’s see if we can find a few things to be thankful for in 2020.

  1. Our health! We say this every year, but this year it’s definitely number 1 on the list. The global pandemic situation has really magnified for all of us the reality that our health is not something to be taken for granted. Our deepest compassion and well wishes go out to all those who have experienced loss of a loved one this year, or medical issues of any kind.
  2. Our staff. Our wonderful crew has amazed and humbled us with their commitment to continuing to provide stellar service to customers across western NC. When we re-opened after the temporary shutdown in April-June, these guys adapted seamlessly to the new operations practices, like masking, extra sanitizing, and social distancing. With all the stress that everyone is feeling right now, it’s not easy to keep your head up and keep doing your best work without complaint. But all our guys have pulled together and dealt with it admirably. We couldn’t be more thankful for—or prouder of–our team.
  3. Western North Carolina has been spared the worst of the pandemic fallout. Our local hospitals and medical personnel are staying on top of the situation. And although we certainly have not gone untouched by COVID, we’ve also avoided a major outbreak. In these trying times, that’s definitely something we can be thankful for.
  4. Autumn doesn’t care how weird and crazy 2020 has been. Leaf season this year has been phenomenal! Being surrounded by all that natural beauty while we’re driving around Western NC to serve our customers, sometimes we can’t help but feel a little gratitude.
  5. Our business has been able to withstand the most devastating economic impacts of 2020. In a year when over 100,000 American small businesses have permanently shuttered, this is nothing to shrug off. We are truly, deeply grateful for each day that we get another opportunity to clean carpets and upholstery in the Asheville area. It means that our business will survive. But more importantly, it’s a sign that our community will be okay. Of course, we have our customers to thank for all of it. More than any year before, you—our customers, loyal and new—have been our reason to keep going.

Thanksgiving 2020 may be a little different than normal Thanksgivings. A little smaller, a little more somber, perhaps. But for us, the meaning of the holiday will be more poignant, more deeply felt this year. We’ll be appreciating each bite, each hug, and each moment. We hope you will be sharing some warmth, good food, and family togetherness, too. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Five Step Carpet Care.