How to Clean Red Wine From Upholstery

We all enjoy a nice glass of red wine in the evening, but sometimes imbibing results in a dark red mishap. If you end up with a red wine stain on your upholstered furniture, don’t worry! Chances are, you can get it out with just two simple cleaning ingredients if you act quickly.

Try to attack the stain as soon as you notice it. The less time the wine has to dry and set into the upholstery fabric, the better your chances of successfully removing the stain.

Follow these steps to clean red wine from upholstery:

  1. Prepare cleaning solution. Mix one tablespoon of liquid dish soap into two cups of cool water.
  2. Blot the stain. With a clean cloth, blot the wine stain, absorbing as much of the liquid as you can. Do not wipe at the area, as that will cause the stain to spread.
  3. Sponge the stain with the cleaning solution. Once you have absorbed as much of the dampness as possible, use a clean sponge or towel to apply your diluted dish soap mixture to the affected area. You should see the color of the stain begin to lighten as you sponge.
  4. Blot until liquid is absorbed. Once again with a clean, dry cloth or towel, blot at the moisture until it is as dry as you can get it.
  5. Repeat as necessary. If the stain is still there, repeat steps 2-4 until it is no longer visible.
  6. Sponge the area with a wet cloth. Use a clean cloth and clear water to sponge the area and remove any leftover soap residue.
  7. Blot dry. With a clean, dry towel, blot the area until no more moisture remains.

If you didn’t discover your wine stain until it was too late, or if you’re having trouble with the above steps, it’s time to call in a professional!

Five Step Carpet Care is the leading pro upholstery cleaner in the Asheville, NC area. We will have that red wine stain out of your upholstery in no time! Give us a call at 828.237.3237 or get in touch via our contact form today!